Part of the part was a gift exchange. The exchange was simple enough; you could either get a gift from under the tree or steal from someone else. The only rule is that there can be only two steals.
The most popular items of the night were two light sabers. They changed hands nearly every second steal.
Christine passes out the gift order
Sketchy scores himself travel Boggle
Amy opens up the first light saber The light saber would change many hands that night
Nick gets himself a Pearl Jam CD
Jarred Spends the rest of the night fighting for the light saber
Colin gets himself a laser pointer
Ducan get the gift that keeps giving: a manikin pelvis!
Christine's dad gets one of the more pratical gifts
After the gift exchange hijinks ensued
Mike, Ducan and Christine bring Power to the People
At some point Jarreds light saber was stolen A posse was formed to try to discover who stole it
Once the light saber was found Kiran and Jarred celebrated with the laziest duel ever
Alex rocks out on the guitar

I scored myself the most huggable gift ever: Randle the Robosapien
And now continuing my tradition of me documenting Kiran doing stupid stuff, here’s something completely different:
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