Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas 2006

Well another Christmas has come and gone. It was another great holiday with my family and good times were had by all. I know it’s a little late but I thought I’d post my Christmas trees because I think they looked pretty cool (and it took me a long time to take a non-blurry picture of them).

First here’s the classic one that my mom decorated:

Our Christmas tree in the dark

Our Christmas tree all lit up

Now here’s the tree I decorated. As you can see I decided to adorn it in star wars decorations. That’s right there’s Star Wars Christmas decorations and I own them. Why George Lucas?! Why couldn’t you let me have something that doesn’t Star Wars?!

He should know by now that I’ll obsess over anything that involves a wookie. But maybe that’s the true meaning of Christmas: a talking Darth Vader ornament.

Star Wars Christmas Tree!!!!

Oh yea, that's what I call Christmas

Finally a tree topper that offers goodwill to your fellow man and is a dark lord of the sith

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christine’s 2006 Christmas Party

Yesterday was Christine’s annual Christmas Party. Being the first one I’ve been too, it lived up to it’s reputation of guaranteed good times. Here are some of the better pics.

Part of the part was a gift exchange. The exchange was simple enough; you could either get a gift from under the tree or steal from someone else. The only rule is that there can be only two steals.

The most popular items of the night were two light sabers. They changed hands nearly every second steal.

Christine passes out the gift order

Sketchy scores himself travel Boggle

Amy opens up the first light saber The light saber would change many hands that night

Rob gets Napoleon Dynamite with realistic tether ball action

Nick gets himself a Pearl Jam CD

Jarred Spends the rest of the night fighting for the light saber

Colin gets himself a laser pointer

Ducan get the gift that keeps giving: a manikin pelvis!

Christine's dad gets one of the more pratical gifts

After the gift exchange hijinks ensued

Mike, Ducan and Christine bring Power to the People

At some point Jarreds light saber was stolen A posse was formed to try to discover who stole it

Once the light saber was found Kiran and Jarred celebrated with the laziest duel ever

Alex rocks out on the guitar

I scored myself the most huggable gift ever: Randle the Robosapien

And now continuing my tradition of me documenting Kiran doing stupid stuff, here’s something completely different:

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Travis Post Test Party

On Saturday Dec. 16 I wrote my last test of the semester. So yay, that means there’s only 4 months to go before I’m an official Engineer in Training.

Travis and Becca held a party at their house to celebrate the victory over the test. I forgot my camera and had to use Travis’ to take pictures. Turns out I’m not very good at taking pics with Travis’ camera. So here’s the few photo’s which aren’t too too blurry, but still a little blury.

Some dude, Adrienn and Evan do their best random pose

Apparently something really funny just happened
Left to right: Scott, Jim, Song, Kiran, Tyler (I think) and Tommy

Tommy and Nate agree to a Karaoke showdown

Pam overlooks as Chad cleans up the results of his hijinks

Classy couple picture of Linds and Travis

Darren and Jacqui drink their high class imported beer

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Adrienn's Birthday

Adrienn’s birthday was last Sunday so Saturday night she had a bunch of people over to her house. It was a fairly low key party but a lot of fun. I wiped the ol’camera out and took a couple of pics. Here are some of the better ones. Unfortunately I failed to take any pictures of the birthday girl and missed about 80% of the people there. But here's what I got.

Random chilling out
Left to right: Wardog, Linds, Richie, Mikey, T-rave, not sue of name, Sketchy, Cody and Song

Other side of table
Left to right: Jacqui, Jimbo, Scotty, Mikey and Song

Evan challenges Cody to prove that he can cause a papercut on demand

Cody proceeds to give Evan a papercut he won't soon forget

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sir John A. Macdonald

Well its official, King Ralph has officially ended his reign. No matter your opinion of him, he was defiantly a memorable Premier. His departure has gotten me curious about some of Canada other leaders and their eccentrics. I was quite surprised on how many wacky leaders we’ve had and the fact they’re often considered to be our best. The one that really grabbed my attention was Sir John A. Macdonald.

The Man himself

If you remember your high school history, you’ll know that Sir Macdonald was our first Prime Minister and largely responsible for the creation of Canada as a nation. But more likely you’re more familiar with him as the dude on our $10 bill. The more I read about him the more interested I got. His story paints the picture of an extremely intelligent and charismatic man whose life was beset by enough personally tragedy to make the OC seem like legitimate TV.

This is how we're most familar with Sir Macdonald
(I got this image from this site. It's got lots of various money, definitely worth checking out)

I’m not going to give a detailed biography of his life; you can find that in a million places. Here’s just a quick rundown of some of the things that leap out at me as being interesting.

He was one damn good politician. Born 1815, died in 1891. In that time he managed to be the Prime Minster of Canada for 19 year. Of course one must also consider that he was instrumental in the creation of Canada. He was able to form an alliance with his greatest political opponent (George Brown) in order to convince the British to allow Canada to become its own country. Sir Macdonald was also key in convincing Manitoba and British Columbia into confederation.

To give you an idea of how effective Sir Macdonald was, in 1873 he was caught in a scandal. He appointed a man (Sir Hugh Allan) to expand the railroad, a man who had promised Macdonald’s party a large amount of election funding. When this all came to light Macdonald and his conservative government was forced to resign. He was eventually voted out as the leader of his party. However, it wasn’t long until he was reelected both the leader of the Conservatives again, but the Prime Minster in 1878. A role he would play till his death in 1891.

Older Sir John A. Macdonald

But he was definitely a man who had some personal demons. When he was only 7 years old, Macdonald watched his brother get beaten to death by his caregiver. He would have two wives. The first one (Isabelle Clark) got sick soon after their marriage and would slowly die in just 14 years. Of his 3 children, 1 died young and another was mentally handicapped.

So basically it’s no surprised that Macdonald was a huge alcoholic. He was known to sit in his bed for days drowning bottle of port one after another. In one drunken incident he disappeared in Quebec for 2 days and was rumored to have attempted suicide in the St. Lawrence.

He was also known to drink within the House of Commons. It became so common that When Macdonald was drunk while giving an assembly the newspapers would describe it as Macdonald having an “attack”.

In one example of Macdonalds hijinks he was debating and opponent during a campaign speech. While the opponent was speaking Mcdonald turned to the side and vomited. When the opponent asked “Is this Macdonald you want running your country? A drunk.” Macdonald responded, “I get sick ... not because of drink [but because] I am forced to listen to the ranting of my honorable opponent.” I read various wordings of that exchange but I think CBCs sounded the best.

Well theres some random facts about John A. Macdonald. He really struck me as an interesting person and I felt like writing a bit about him. If your curious we I got all this, I summarized mainly from the internet after I read an interesting Macleans article. All the stuff I got from Wikipedia I found somewhere more reliable.


Monday, November 27, 2006

Civilized Potluck

Last Saturday a group of us had a potluck dinner at Richard’s house. It was an evening of civilized conversation. I felt so grown up.

Potluck Goodness
Left to right: Jim, Travis, Kiran, Richard, Kegan, Adrienn, Jacqui

But we all knew that that couldn't last for long. After much big talk Kiran attempted one of the last true challenges of skill and might: he tried to eat a spoon full of cinnamon. Well I could attempt to describe the results of this, I'll let the video do the talking. (Sorry for the blurriness, but what do you expect from free hosting).

Friday, November 24, 2006

Review Spectacular #1

Things at school have been super busy lately. It reached the time of the year where everything had been assigned months ago became due. Since I made the standard decision of leaving everything to last minute, I’ve been very busy of late.

However, while I don’t have many hijinks to report, I have ingested a fair bit of media. So here’s a quick review of all the stuff I’ve done lately:


V for Vendetta: I actually really enjoyed this movie. V’s dialogue was brilliant in a very cheesy fashion. The one thing that got me was that the English parliament building was destroyed by a terrorist action in movie. I can’t help but wonder if that would have been allowed if the target had been American.

Metropolis: I’m talking about the 1927 silent movie here; it’s a movie I always wanted to see and it took me about 10 years to finally get around to it. I was actually surprised how entertained I was by it. Being a silent black & white movie, it’s definitely not for everyone though. But if you’re interested in seeing an interesting movie sci-fi movie with a fascinating setting, this is the movie for you. I greatly enjoyed how it managed to both be procommunist and anticommunist at the same time.

The Sentinel: Probably the most forgettable movie I’ve ever scene. The only thing I remember is the dude from 24 was in it.

Frog-g-g: You know for a movie about a man sized frog terrorizing a small town, this movie was extremely slow moving and boring.


Pete Tong: For those not familiar, Pete Tong is an electric music DJ who came to Calgary recently. Travis, Jacqui and I went to hear him spin (I hope I used the right nomenclature there Travis/Carlin). Some people don’t realize how much talent it actually takes to make good electronic music. However I guarantee if you compare the opening DJ with Pete Tong, you’ll quickly realize how much skill it requires. My only complaint with Pete Tong is that I had to leave relatively early to catch the last C-train home and couldn’t hear his whole set.

Bad Astronaut
: Don’t feel bad you’ve never heard of these guys. They’re an indie band and I’m not even sure how I got introduced to them, I think I just liked the name when I saw it. Either way I’ve been listening to them a lot lately. Good chill music to study to.

Video Games:

Resident Evil 4: I know I’m late on this one, but I have the excuse of being in Switzerland when it came out. By far this is one of the best games I’ve ever played and am currently going through it again.

Final Fantasy XII: I’m only about 10 hours in, but I’m also digging this game. The new combat system removes a lot of the BS and the storyline is good. I love the fact that it’s set in the same world as FF: Tatics (Mont Blanc rules!).

Marvel Ultimate Alliance: The comic book geek inside me has dreamed for a game like this for many a years. The only thing that’s missing is the option to high-five Stan Lee for being awesome. Deadpool is an un-killable machine and I love it. Mike really stepped it up by allowing me to play it on his 360.

Wii: I’ll admit when I first heard about the Wii I thought Nintendo had lost its mind. However, after playing it at Dave’s house, I was impressed by how much fun it was. The controller works really well and is surprisingly intuitive. I’m eagerly anticipating what future developers are going to do with it. It doesn’t completely forgive the stupid name though.


Daily Show/Colbert Report: These shows have been really good lately. The Midterm Election Midtacular is a piece of television gold.

12 oz Mouse: Without question the most abstract, confusing and poorly animated thing ever put on TV. I love it. I just hope the story is actually building to something profound and not just screwing around.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: I love this show. The dialogue is more clever than it deserves to be. Therefore it’s going to be canceled. Stupid TV networks and their audience that doesn’t like to be challenged.

Comics (I’ll be brief):

Marvel Civil War: By far the best comic book mega event ever. The best part is there is no way to return to status quo and I have no idea how it’s going to end. I was trying to wait for the trade, but the Punisher showing up was too much for me to handle.

Green Arrow: For those curious, this is my favorite super hero. Too bad I dislike the writer (Winick) who’s been on it for a couple of years now. He has a tendency to write boring, predictable and somewhat insulting plot lines. I miss the old days when Smith or Metzer was on the title. Currently anytime Green Arrow shows up in another title is a good day for Vance.

JLA: Loving the new league.


The Republic by Plato: I’ve been thumbing through this for about a month now and I can tell that Plato and I disagree on several things. He seems much more optimistic in a leader than I ever will be.


Glorious!: A very light but pleasant play. It definitely won’t change your life. But you’ll leave smiling. One of the acts is comedy gold, I won’t say which one though.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


On Friday Nov. 10 we celebrated the long weekend in the most crazy, part filled way possible. That’s right, we went curling.

Evan had booked some ice time at the Winter Club so a group of us went and got our curl on. The crew consisted of me, Rob, Richard, Jim, Evan, Mike, Ashley, Song, Rob and Sketchy.

I will say this, curling is surprisingly difficult. Next time I get swindingled into watching it on TV I will definitely have a infinitely more appreciation for the players skill than I had before.

So without further ado, here’s the wacky curling pictures (there’s something you don’t say everyday).

We get prepped for curling in the most logical way
Left to right: Jim, Richard, Sketchy and Rob

Evan teaches Mike and Song the ways of the curling

Song tosses her first rock

Mike curls it up
(I love the blur in this pic)

Ashley readys her throw

Sketchy uses his mad rock skillz

Hijinks ensue

Richard shows how it's done

Evan tames that pesky rock

Jim snipers the rock

Proof I've been curling

Jim and Mike sweep like they've never sweeped before

Rob throws all his might into his rock...

...and then is overcome by the glory that is curling